Monday, November 13, 2006


Hello, and welcome to my first attempt at creating a web page of sorts. I haven't decided yet if this blog will focus on music-related musings, or if I will discuss other themes here as well. I write about quite a few topics from politics to book reviews, but I will likely start by writing about music here. I am not sure what the space limitations are here, but I intend to cover various issues pertaining to music, along with reviews of concerts, new releases, and new finds which seem obscure enough to warrant mentioning as 'new to me'. I would also like to engage people in discussing rare and unreleased recordings, about which there is often little information.
If I can figure out how to convert Word files into something I can upload here, I will also put up reviews of rarely discussed concerts from the few years. This is primarily in response to what I think is a lack of information about many of the artists I have reviewed over the years.
I should also take this opportunity to plug my radio show; it's called Veritable Infusion, and runs Mondays from 8 to 10 p.m. in Toronto on CIUT 89.5 fm or
Finally, my name is Erik and the names I wanted for this page were taken, so I picked a song and album title by the Jimmy Castor Bunch instead; "E-Man Grooving" which also works for me. I was tempted to run with "Veritable Infusion" but I want to write about things that might bore the average radio listener to tears, so I am not sure how closely related this blog will be to my radio show. I know there are a few of us music freaks who could easily blow a few hours discussing the best P-Funk tour or how the Rolling Stones' "Garden State 78" album came to be, or finding out a recording of some gig from long ago has recently surfaced and is now easily available at dimeadozen or some place. I might expand this blog or change topics altogether to cover various aspects of life in Toronto, let's see where it goes...